March 28, 2019

Better Tapping the Arab Talent Pool

The need to improve Arab employment rates and better integrate Arab citizens into major Israeli companies has been widely recognized among government, business and civil society leaders, and has generated demand for Arab candidates. However, filling the Arab employee pipeline has proven difficult due to candidates’ perceptions of themselves vis-à-vis potential employers, as articulated in a study by IDC Herzliya. This study conducted by Shaldor Research for Co-Impact around the intervention models it developed with its network of companies identified the factors that can be affected by employer behavior and further articulated actions that employers can take to more successfully attract and recruit candidates from the Arab minority.

Recommended Resources
Employment Among Arab Women Increases to 40 Percent
Unemployed Academically Educated Arab Women in Israel | Massar Institute Study
Israel Employment Service Report Excerpts: May 2020 Unemployment

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