May 16, 2014

Index of Arab-Jewish Relations in Israel 2004

The data in this index are presented in two parts. The first section comprises objective indicators such as bilingualism of Arabs and Jews, socioeconomic equality, representation in the government, non-discrimination, protest actions, and the use of violence. The second subjective section focuses on attitudes of the general public based on public opinion surveys. Data indicate that the deep differences between attitudes of Arabs and Jews have diminished as a result of common understandings and agreement on issues including integration, recognition of Israel???s right to exist as a Jewish and democratic state, and recognition of the right of Arabs to live in Israel as a minority with civic rights. The differences of opinions within the two groups soften the breach between them by creating more moderate groups on either side.

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VIDEO RECORDING | 25 Years After Rabin's Assassination: Arab-Jewish Relations in Israel

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