May 16, 2014

The Bi-National Idea in Israel/Palestine: Past and Present

The author reviews four different advocacies of bi-nationalism in the context of the Israeli???Palestinian conflict (the ???old school??? and the ???new school??? of Jewish bi-nationalism, contemporary Palestinian bi-nationalism, and bi-nationalist advocacy that comes from outside observers) and identify several certain similarities that reduce their chances of becoming a mainstream option: (a) in all cases bi-nationalism is not the most desirable option; (b) the proposals all gained momentum on both sides in periods of instability ??? due to transformations in the power relations between them or when the conflict reaches a point where the violence seems to become unbearable; (c) all versions of bi-nationalism present an uneasy mixture of moralistic and pragmatic arguments; (d) the people who embrace the bi-national models are intellectuals – this gives their recommendations a touch of ???ivory tower??? over-rationalization, and reduces their public appeal.

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