July 17, 2018

Gender Equality and Women in STEM: The Curious Case of Arab Women in Israel

Using administrative longitudinal data on two distinct ethno-linguistic groups, Hebrew and Arabic speakers, within the highly centralized Israeli education system, we find that the gender achievement–gap favoring girls in Arabic schools, the ethnic group characterized by less gender equality, is greater than the gender gap favoring girls in Hebrew schools. Moreover, male-dominated STEM matriculation electives in Hebrew schools are female-dominated in Arabic schools. We show that these patterns are not dependent on socioeconomic or school characteristics but rather a result of ethnic differences in the effect of prior achievement on subject choice by gender. We consider possible cultural sources for these different gendered patterns
of education outcomes such as gender-STEM stereotypes and marriage markets.

Recommended Resources
Unemployed Academically Educated Arab Women in Israel | Massar Institute Study

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